Diriger IPA - Invoice Process Automation

The Problems we solve

Ineffective manual invoice, payment and bank reconciliation processes

Cumbersome feature or function system usage and practices

Lack of real-time visibility of invoices and impact on Creditors Liability

Manual and time-consuming invoice vetting and corrective actions

Complex and lengthy delays in the approval processes

eInvoice Ready

Our AI Automation and Machine Learning capabilities combined with Diriger Business Rule and Work Flow Engines, Persona-based usage, data management, embedded analytics, and graphical visualisation capabilities; provides a User Experience that when coupled with a Google-like search capability; allows all relevant Invoice information and supporting documents to be sourced, classified and approved at one time at your desk-top or mobile device.

Part of Our Suite of automated solutions

DirigerIPA is part of the Diriger automation suite of solutions and can stand-alone or integrate to any system.

Diriger Invoice Automation and its Benefits

Our DirigerIPA Solution has been designed to automate the business processes that relate to Accounts Payable within an organisation. DirigerIPA uses our configurable Workflow Engine to capture business rules and Smart Persona-based screens to accelerate capability that is an Order of Magnitude superior to any ERP system.

The benefits and expected ROI of DirigerIPA are

  • Order-of-Magnitude reduction in invoice processing time

  • Significantly improves Service Levels and Authorisation efficiencies

  • Doesn’t require Supplier Invoice templates for AI invoice loading

  • Coupled with other Diriger products provides even greater supply chain impact

  • Machine Learning technology

  • Constant visualisation of all invoice transaction states and recommended actions

  • Manages and classifies a multitude of documents that support invoice processes

  • Locates and notifies of settlement discounts and other commercial opportunities

  • Out-of-the-Box integration to ERP’s and other internal or external systems

  • Dashboard of real time dynamic business KPI’s

  • Effectively improves Supplier relationships

  • Supports electronic documents including UBL and Peppol eInvoices.

Process Overview and Capability

DirigerIPA provides

  • A target of greater than 95% invoice process automation

  • Minimal data entry; documents read and loaded from Supplier email on receipt

  • Workflows and Business Rules captured and applied automatically through our Workflow Engine

  • Dashboards to monitor Exceptions, Non Order Invoices, Mismatches, Controls

  • Capability to read and load invoice data without template configurations

  • Classifies and manages all related invoice related documents

  • Governed manual intervention and controls of exceptions

  • Embedded analytics and visualisation tools

  • Procedural based processes with extremely low training burden and cognitive load (agile adoption)

  • Simplify analytics making data dissemination easier, faster and relevant

  • Reduce data collection activity; more Relevant and Accurate

  • Rapidly search data using a Google-like User interface

  • Deliver succinct information to a single screen

  • Peppol eInvoice connectivity for Receiving of eInvoices and sending of eInvoice Responses

Broad use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Example Statistics screen for real time KPI's

Example Invoice Exception Management based on customer business rules