
APM - Asset Performance Management

How to make your APM Solution Consistent and Actionable

2022-08-12 Asset Management - LinkedIn Post

APM in an Industry 4.0 environment has become more than just reporting and graphics; the data needs to be consistent and actionable.

When you combine the expertise, experiences, technologies, and systems of the members of a collaborative ecosystem like ODBOK, you get the synergy of an APM problem-solving capability that is innovative, consistent, and User actionable. It is just what you would expect to establish a modern Industry 4.0 environment that needs to be more than just a reporting and graphics solution.

Some of the problems we already know about and need to address are

Going forward, Asset Management needs to accommodate

Our Solutions provides an Interoperable Digital Ecosystem to Industry Standards.

Our collaborative ecosystem subscribes to ISO standard 18101 and the Open Industrial Interoperable Ecosystem (OIIE) that forms part of the standard to ensure the Interoperable Digital Ecosystem is fully vendor-neutral with open ISO standards as the basis of vendor neutrality.

Contact Us for more understandings and review the Insight Asset Performance Management.  You can also contact our Ecosystem member Sentient System and ODBOK