AMOC - Asset Management of Change
Does your AMOC process lack adequate house-keeping practices and take forever to complete?
Some of the biggest problems in maintaining the integrity (wholeness of process and data) of most enterprise MOC processes are caused by
Delays in the authorisation process when critical assets need upgrading; hence, impacting production
House-keeping practices are slow, cumbersome, and in most cases, ignored; leaving supply chain, component sourcing, inspection crews, costing, and reference data in the dark
The data alignment regimen does not cover all domains and/or supporting processes; leaving the operation at risk
Slow changes to Safety Processes become a potential risk to both people and production
Standardised asset decision models, simulation, and planning updates are just wish list items
MOC Models and Simulations struggle to get recent data in the correct context from Enterprise systems and other critical data sources
Manual MOC processes struggle with varying business rules and workflows per Asset Class or criticality to production
Participating Systems in the Asset Lifecycle Management regime do not have interchangeable data structures nor appropriate integration for fast and complete updates.
Our Solution provides an Interoperable Digital Ecosystem configurable to comply with Industry Standards, including the ISO 55001 Asset Management Framework.
Our collaborative ecosystem subscribes to ISO standard 18101 and the Open Industrial Interoperable Ecosystem (OIIE) that forms part of the standard to ensure the Interoperable Digital Ecosystem is fully vendor-neutral with open ISO standards as the basis of vendor neutrality.
Contact Us for further information and see Diriger Solutions
Also visit our Ecosystem members Sentient System and ODBOK