
Category: Asset Management

Date: 15/02/2024

Subject: Knowledge Graph UI/UX Design - It’s about satisfying User perception through knowledge.

Audience: LinkedIn

Topic: Incorporating a knowledge graph into UI/UX design can especially contribute to a more user-friendly, engaging, and personalised experience aligned to a User’s perspective, offering valuable insights and efficient ways to close the complexities of the Information to Knowledge gap.

Integrating a knowledge graph into a UI/UX design can offer several benefits that accesses data and information from multiple sources governed by a Single Source of Truth.

Here are some key advantages:

➡️ Contextual Relationships: Users can navigate through related concepts in a more intuitive and context-aware manner, improving the overall navigation experience.

➡️ Smart Content Recommendations & Validations: By leveraging the interconnected nature of a knowledge graph, UI/UX designers can implement intelligent content recommendation systems and validate / align the content to standards or templates. 

➡️ Personalised Experiences: Knowledge graphs can be used to create or tailor user profiles based on their interactions, perceptions and preferences. 

➡️ Unified Information: A knowledge graph helps maintain a unified single source of truth (SSOT) across different platforms and devices. This consistency ensures that users receive the same information, context, and experience whether they are using a website, mobile app, or other interfaces.

➡️ Advanced Search Capabilities: Knowledge graphs enable the implementation of advanced search and filtering, allowing users to refine search results based on multiple criteria. 

➡️ Enhanced Data Visualisation: Knowledge graphs can be visually represented, offering users a graphical view of interconnected data, making complex relationships more understandable and engaging.

➡️ Real-Time Updates: Knowledge graphs can support real-time updates and dynamic content so that Users can receive live, up-to-date relevant information.

➡️ Structured Information: Knowledge graphs organise information in a structured and interconnected way, reducing cognitive load for users. Users can focus on understanding relationships and patterns without getting overwhelmed by unstructured data.

➡️ Natural Language Processing (NLP): Integrating NLP with a knowledge graph allows for more natural language interactions where Users can ask questions or make queries in a conversational manner.

➡️ Collaborative Knowledge Sharing: Knowledge graphs facilitate collaborative knowledge sharing. Users can contribute to and benefit from a shared understanding of information, fostering collaboration, enterprise alignment, and community engagement.

For more detailed information on this capability and our Enterprise level Unified NameSpace, contact Diriger or read our Insight Paper at: A Single Source of Truth Leaves No Asset Data Behind