
Category: Technology

Date: 05/12/2023

Subject: A solid foundational platform and standards-based components (eg. Lego bricks) provides successes in building a reliable structure with Lego, and the same rules apply for the infrastructure that you require to succeed in building an operational philosophy for your asset-based infrastructure successes.

Audience: LinkedIn

Topic: When coupled with DirigerAMD (Asset Master Data & Unified Namespace), the DirigerHUB Platform provides you with all the building blocks, technology, and tools to build your organization’s Asset Management infrastructure from DCS to Historians, to MES, to ERP, to nuanced-based Knowledge applications, and Data-driven Insights and Decisions.

There are several key benefits of a good asset management data platform - the backbone of successful asset management strategies - providing the necessary information and insights to drive organizational successes.…..

➡️ Improved Decision-Making:

Accurate, fast, and reliable asset data enables informed insights and decision-making at all levels of the organization.

➡️ Optimized & Extensible Asset Performance:

Predictive maintenance, condition monitoring, and other optimization strategies become more effective with quality asset data.

➡️ Reduced Costs:

Organizations can identify and address inefficiencies, minimizing unnecessary costs.

➡️ Regulatory Compliance:

A well-managed (Governed) data foundation helps organizations comply and adjust to industry regulations and standards related to asset management.

➡️ Increased Productivity:

Access to real-time and accurate process-based information streamlines workflows and processes, reducing manual effort and functional silos.

➡️ Risk Management:

Organizations can identify and treat risks associated with asset performance, compliance, and other factors.

➡️ Extended Asset Lifespan:

Proactive maintenance and better management of assets based on reliable data can extend the lifespan of equipment and infrastructure.

➡️ Enhanced Planning and Forecasting:

Organizations can anticipate and accelerate future needs, allocate resources strategically, and plan for asset acquisitions or disposals.

➡️ Streamlined Workflows:

Interoperability of asset data with other systems and workflows, streamlines cross-functional business processes.

➡️ Improved Collaboration:

Stakeholders can share insights, collaborate on projects, and make collective decisions based on a common understanding of asset information.

➡️ Data-Driven Culture:

Establishing a good asset management data foundation encourages and supports a data-driven culture within the organization.

Contact Diriger for more information or scan our online information sheets at: DirigerHUB